Is there a limit

127 miles per hour; that was your top speed today. The only thing protecting you from death is a helmet made of synthetic fibers, foam, plastic and padding (curtesy of Arai) and a padded jacket.

127 miles per hour on two wheels with no metal cage surrounding you for protection. You think I doubt your riding skills. This isn’t about your ability. What I am questioning is your sanity? I am questioning your ability to reason and think rationally. I am questioning your desire to live a long life with me and see your eight children grow old. Let me give you a few examples of rational thinking…

“I have only been riding for 10 months; therefore, I should take it slow.”

“I do not have my endorsement yet and should probably get that asap. Until then I shouldn’t take risks.”

“The speed limit is 65 mph, it would be dangerous to drive 62 mph over the speed limit considering it is illegal, I am still new to driving on two wheels, there is traffic around me, I can’t control other cars/people, I can’t control something going wrong with my bike (such as the pillion slipping forward and off like it has before), I can’t predict everything that might go wrong”.

127 miles per hour by choice and with that choice I would lose my husband and best friend (sometimes the biggest pain in my ass). Johnny is only three, he adores you. You are the only one that can put him to bed. How do I tell him that his daddy can’t put him to bed anymore? When he is screaming and calling your name, in death, will you hear him? Will you hear me? What about the older children? Do you really think they want to lose their father? Will it be easier to tell them because they are older? Maybe but grieving is grieving.

127 miles per hour, is it enough? Your speed has been an issues for several months. Thirty miles per hour over the limit, forty miles per hour over, fifty miles per hour over, how fast is fast enough? I’ve talked calmly to you about any concerns. I’ve gotten mad. I’ve cried and pleaded with you to think of us. But we are not enough for you, so what is enough? What will satisfy your need but keep you as safe as possible? Keep you alive. I don’t know if I can’t sit quietly and wait for the call I have been dreading. The call that will come because you are driving a motorcycle 127 miles per hour.